

  • Stock: In Stock
  • Category : Laboratory Equipment

<p>Bio-Xin provides best microscopic solution for biological research, Quality control laboratory and Industrial application. We represent world famous brand of Microscope from Nikon. As a world leader in imaging technology since 1917, Nikon Instruments manufactures complete optical and digital microscope systems with outstanding versatility, performance and productivity for any application. Please see our brief product list. For details specification please contact with Bio-Xin.</p>

Bio-Xin provides best microscopic solution for biological research, Quality control laboratory and Industrial application. We represent world famous brand of Microscope from Nikon. As a world leader in imaging technology since 1917, Nikon Instruments manufactures complete optical and digital microscope systems with outstanding versatility, performance and productivity for any application. Please see our brief product list. For details specification please contact with Bio-Xin.

Eclipse Ni-E

Nikon's all-new upright microscope system offering superior optical performance, multi-mode expandability, and advanced motorization capabilities. Detail

Nikon Eclipse Ni-U

Highly versatile upright microscope combining system expandability and superior optical performance in an easy-to-use system. Detail

Eclipse Ci Clinical/Laboratory Microscope

Advanced clinical microscope utilizing unique white LED illumination system for superior brightfield microscopy. Detail

Eclipse 80i Advanced Research Microscope

Versatile microscope system optimized for digital imaging. Ideal for bioresearch imaging applications and photo documentation.

Best for : Genetics, Microbiology, Formulation Science, Cytogenetics, Histology, Pathology. Detail

Eclipse 90i Automated Research Microscope System

Fully automated microscope system for high-end bioscience research, general research, and documentation.

Best For: Genetics, Microbiology, Neurobiology, Cytogenetics, Histology, Patholog. Detail

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